How Do Banks Ensure EDD in Banking to Prevent Financial Crimes

Bank ensuring Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) to prevent financial crimes through thorough risk assessments.

Do you know that banks are responsible for protecting the financial system? Erudite billionaire Warren Buffet once stated that ‘‘Risk is a function of the extent of the operation for which you are unprepared.’’ This is truer, especially for the banking industry, where efforts to stop financial crimes are at full throttle.

Thus, enhanced due diligence (EDD) is a very important procedure that banks use to estimate their customers and exclude possible dangers. But in what manner do these financial institutions guarantee successful managerial EDD implementation? 

In this article, we will understand the EDD in banking that banks use to maintain their security against money laundering and fraud.

Regulatory framework for EDD in Banking

Authorities and organizations Such as governments and financial regulators have set very rigorous standards for banks that call for EDD performance. These regulations are intended to stop the banking system from becoming a means for killing. 

EDD directives applied in banks must conform with the laws of the country and the legal bodies overseeing banking sectors. They have to have efficient EDD processes established and demonstrate that they are acting within the framework of the rules permanently, making pertinent EDD reports and audits. 

Global expenditures on AML and Enhanced Due Diligence compliance for financial organizations were more than $30 billion in 2023.

Bonus: For more information on the topic of EDD in banking and its involvement in combating financial crimes, visit our finance section.

EDD Process Components

The EDD process in banks is based on several main stages. 

  • First, banks are required to collect personal identification data from their customer, the nature, purpose, and source of their proposed banking business. 
  • Banks then use customer information to determine the risk level of the particular customer. Continuous monitoring is also important because banks must constantly observe a customer’s activities. 
  • Last of all, all the EDD checks must be documented properly to show which banks have performed their work.

Risk-Based Approach to EDD Implementation

EDD is not applied at the same standard across all the customers within the banks. But they use a risk-managed type instead. This means that they have to evaluate the risk level of every customer that visits their firm and then take the necessary EDD measures. 

Relevant customers, as identified by the company’s standards or as operating in industries or regions categorized as high risk, will be subject to enhanced EDD checks for banking. 

Lower-risk customers require only a basic level of customer due diligence.  According to the FATF report of 2023, it was identified that 60% of financial organizations employ RBA. 

This targeted approach assists in avoiding spreading EDD resources thinly across the entire risk spectrum. It allows the banks to focus instead on the EDD efforts where the biggest risks are observed.

Customer Identification and Verification

One of the most important aspects of EDD banking is the proper client recognition and confirmation of a bank. Banks gather huge amounts of data on legal names, customers’ addresses, dates of birth, and the number of identified documents. 

Banks also corroborate this information with other reliable third-party companies. This provides some level of user validation as it confirms that the customer is transacting and is not involved in any unlawful activities.

Monitor of Suspicious Activity 

Enhanced due diligence for banking doesn’t only end with the first customer check that is performed throughout the process. Banks always keep making observations to their clients on any signs of money laundering. 

In the case where a customer suddenly begins to make transfers that look suspicious to the bank, they will start to investigate. 

The banks employ sophisticated systems that range from software that may help to identify probable fraudulent schemes. They can report any such cases to the relevant authorities in the fight against money laundering. 

In 2024, more than 60% of banks apply AI-driven solutions to identify suspicious activity in real-time.

Records and Documentation of EDD

The banks must ensure that each of the steps followed in the EDD is well recorded in writing. They maintain records of the information acquired about the customers, the risk evaluation done, and steps taken or recommended. 

Such documentation supports the EDD compliance for banks with all regulatory requirements on EDD. Banks are also obliged to keep special documentation on EDD for no less than five years, according to international standards. 

This helps in compliance and enables one to know whatever is happening in the business besides showing accountability.

Risks and Strategies of Regulation Compliance for EDD

The key challenge that banks face is conducting proper client inspections while ensuring that they make the users’ experiences good as well. EDD regulation is also another area of concern that banks require to keep changing with time. 

In preparation for such challenges, the best learning institutions apply enhanced technologies, staff training, and assessments of the existing EDDs instituted by prominent banks. As a result, implementing the measures helps banks to prevent their services from being used for financial crimes. 

Visit our website to learn how your business can implement sound EDD policies and procedures to meet regulatory requirements. This way, following EDD rules and keeping themselves informed about the current trends, banks are one of the key contributors to meeting global financial system standards.


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